The Author

Since leaving art college, Adam R. Orsborn has walked a rather squiggly path, bouncing from job to job, country to country. His artistic talents going to waste as he prioritized travel and making friends, he came to be known as the gentle giant with a ready smile and an allergic reaction to responsibility.

He wouldn’t settle down until his late 30’s when he met his wife to be, Aleksandra, who a few years later gave him a beautiful daughter, Lydia, in 2014.

At the age of two and a half, Lydia was diagnosed with leukemia and admitted to hospital. During her first blood transfusion one of the nurses told Lydia that the hanging bag of blood was actually a bag of ladybirds. Ola thought it a great idea to colour Lydia’s imagination in this way and started refering to bags of chemotherapy as magical Elixirs. Adam followed suit and went to town with it. Medical machines became robot friends. Nurses got nicknamed and revealed to be fantastical creatures in human disguises. The elevator became a teleporter. And the ward become the wold. Adam had finally found both a direction, and ambition, for his creative talents.

The Hogwitch of Windy-Night Wold contains much of what was imagined at that time.
It is A.R Orsborn’s tribute to his daughter’s bravery, Ola’s endurance, his parent’s support and the amazing work of the hospital staff.
It is Adam’s hope that it can be of use to children and parents who finds themselves in similar circumstance, offering hope, comfort and a positive outlook.

N.b. A.R. Orsborn does not enjoy refering to himself in the third person.